Facelift in Rehoboth Beach


Facelift or rhytidectomy, is an invasive surgical procedure to improve the visible signs of aging of the face and neck such as

  • Appearance of folds between the corners of the mouth and nose
  • Loosening and stretching of the skin of the face causing wrinkles and sagging
  • Fat that has started to disappear, deflate or has fallen
  • Jowls appearing in the lower cheeks and jaw
  • Loose skin, wrinkles and excess fat in the neck that can give the appearance of a double chin or “turkey neck”

The loss of a youthful appearance of the face leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, folds and hollowed out, sunken areas can be attributed to 4 factors or the “ 4 Ds of Aging”

mini face lift

  • Deterioration of the skin is where you begin to see visible signs of skin aging with fine lines, age spots of browns and reds, wide pores and rough texture. There are multiple factors contributing to the aging skin including sun damage, genetic, smoking, weight loss/fluctuations, diet, stress, thinning of the skin and continual facial movements
  • Deflation of the skin is where you see progressive loss of fat, collagen and bone that supports the skin causing a unhealthy drawn and sunken appearance of the face
  • Descent of the skin is where the skin starts sagging and stretching due to loss of elastin fibers and collagen support structures
  • Dynamic discord is where wrinkles and folds around the mouth and eyes become more visible because of constant tug of war of facial expression muscles pulling on the overlying skin and soft tissue. Eventually over time, the wear and tear on the collagen and elastin fibers of the soft tissue and skin will give way to the stronger muscles creating the appearance of aging wrinkles and folds around the mouth and eyes.

Facelift will lift the sagging and stretched out skin of the face and neck to help diminish these visible signs of aging. It will not replace the loss of volume or improve fixed wrinkles. Other procedures can be performed at the same time with a facelift including eyelid lift, fat transfers; dermal fillers to restore volume and lasers or chemical peels to reduce fixed lines or wrinkles.

Noninvasive and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedures cannot achieve the same results of a facelift, but may delay the time when a facelift is indicated as well as complement the results of a facelift.


“Dr. Chang is by far a master at plastic surgery“

5 5 Star Rating

Dr. Chang is by far a master at plastic surgery. His keen detail on how he did my surgery leaves me speechless because I look amazing and am thankful everyday I chose him to do my surgery.

Source: Vitals

Facelift FAQs


  • Am I a good candidate for a facelift?
    • You are bothered by the aging appearance of your face and neck and willing to accept the associated risks including a well concealed scar to get a natural, predictable, long lasting facial rejuvenation
    • Motivated individual with realistic expectations
    • Healthy individual with significant medical conditions and nonsmoker
  • Can a facelift be performed under local anesthesia?

    The answer is YES. See Nouveaulift

  • What should I expect at my facelift consultation?
    • Listening to all of your facial aging concerns
    • Evaluation of health conditions, medications, allergies, previous surgeries, previous cosmetic procedures, smoking history
    • Examination of face and neck. Assess skin quality, skin laxity and facial volume.
    • Photography taken
    • Discussion of options of facial rejuvenation: noninvasive, minimally invasive and facelift procedure
    • Outline a custom plan for facelift including additional procedures such as eyelid lift, fat transfers/ dermal fillers or laser resurfacing/ chemical peels
    • Discussion of details and risks of the procedure and expected outcomes
  • What are the risks of a facelift?
    • anesthesia risks
    • Scars
    • Bleeding
    • Swelling
    • Bruising
    • Numbness/altered sensation
    • Skin necrosis
    • Fluid accumulation/seroma
    • Unevenness
    • Pain
    • Nerve damage
    • Persistent swelling
    • Spitting sutures
    • Temporary or permanent hair loss at incisions
  • What is a Nouveaulift?

    Nouveaulift is Dr Chang’s signature in office facelift under local anesthesia. Approximately 2 hour procedure using combination local anesthesia and nitrous oxide. A Nouveaulift will create a safe, predictable, natural facial rejuvenation that will make you at least 10 years younger and will last indefinitely depending on how well you take care of yourself. The results, risks and recovery are about the same as a standard facelift except it is performed under local anesthesia in the office setting which means quicker recovery and no potential ill effects from general anesthesia.

  • What should I expect from a Nouveaulift/ facelift procedure?
    • Need a medical clearance note for a 2 hour procedure under local anesthesia
    • Light meal prior to procedure
    • No aspirin 7-10 days prior to procedure
    • Wear loose comfortable clothing preferably button shirt, no makeup and no jewelry
    • Premedication with antibiotics and oral relaxant
    • Preop photographs are taken
    • Surgical marking placed and hair is prepared
    • Nitrous oxide given prior to injecting local anesthesia
    • Electrocautery device used to control any bleeding. Will smell like “burnt hair”
    • Facelift performed awake and after numbing medicine given, patient will feel touching and some pulling but no discomfort
    • Upon completion, dressings and a face garment placed
    • Discharged home with a responsible adult to return back to office 24-48 hours
    • Light activity including car driving and lifting <10 lbs at 7-10 days. May walk same day
    • Full activity after 3 weeks
    • Patient will look pretty normal with most swelling and bruising gone after 3 weeks with returning feeling of skin
    • Patient may have facelift performed under anesthesia upon request for additional cost
    • Final results at 4-6 weeks and should make you at least 10 years younger and last indefinitely depending upon how you age moving forward



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