Cosmetic and Reconstructive Treatments

When it comes to cosmetic and reconstructive treatments at Rehoboth Plastic, Derm Center, & Medispa, odds are if you can name it, we can do it. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lawrence D. Chang and his advanced team of aesthetic experts perform dozens of specialized techniques with the utmost care and attention to detail.

During your consultation with a caring and trustworthy staff member, we’ll ask several questionsto get to know you and your aesthetic goals. This is meant to be a collaborative process; we wantyou to feel comfortable and ask your own questions as well! This highly personal, patient-centricapproach is what truly sets us apart so that we can provide that next level of service and support.

Once we’ve had that discussion and thoroughly reviewed your medical history, allergies, and symptoms, we can develop a customized treatment plan unique to your cosmetic and/or reconstructive needs. This can include one or more of the following non-invasive, minimally invasive, and surgical procedures.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery


Contact Us for More Details

While plenty of clinics offer some of these techniques, very few are qualified and experienced enough to provide all of these treatments at Rehoboth Plastic, Derm Center, & Medispa’s standards of safety and excellence. Fill out the contact form below to schedule your initial consultation and learn which procedure(s) might be right for you!

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