Breast Augmentation with Lift

Breast Augmentation with Lift Breast Augmentation with Lift



Breast Augmentation with Lift Breast Augmentation with Lift
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Breast Augmentation with Lift Breast Augmentation with Lift
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This is a 45-year-old female with complaints of her breasts and abdomen. She is an extremely active person but after two children still has some problem areas. To address these issues a mini-abdominoplasty and breast augmentation with lift was done. The mini-abdominoplasty was able to remove the excess skin and repair her muscles. Along with the mini-abdominoplasty liposuction of her abdomen, flanks, hips, lateral thighs, inner thighs, pubis, and hips were done. Her breasts were also an issue for her after breast feeding two children she felt that her breast were to low and deflated. She chose a saline implant filled to 425 cc. With the implant a small lift known as a concentric lift was done to get her nipple/areola in a better position. She was extremely happy with her decision to move forward with both procedures as she had worked so hard to stay active and in shape.

Patient Age: 45
Patient Gender: Female
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 180
Implant Wall: smooth
Implant Placement: submuscular
Implant Contents: saline
Implant Size: 425 cc
Implant Shape: round

Individual Results May Vary

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