Mommy Makeover Rehoboth Beach

Mommy Makeover


A Mommy makeover is a procedure or combination of procedures intended to restore the appearance of a woman’s body after pregnancy. Many women notice changes in their bodies after pregnancy and nursing as a result of fluctuations in body size leading to stretching of soft tissue and skin as well as the inability to get rid of unwanted fat deposits. The areas of a woman’s body that may be affected after childbearing include the abdomen, waist, breasts, buttocks, and genitalia.

A Mommy makeover procedure is usually performed as a single-stage procedure and would consist of one specific procedure or a combination of procedures that should be discussed at the time of your consultation. A typical mommy makeover procedure would be a single-stage procedure combining a tummy tuck with a breast lift with or without implants since the most visible areas to a woman are her breasts and abdomen. The goal of getting back her pre-baby body would be perkier fuller breasts and a flatter, smoother and firmer abdomen.

Even though the recovery would be longer, combination procedures in a mommy makeover avoid another procedure, another general anesthesia, and more cost-effective in the long run.

Mommy Makeover Procedures Include:

Am I a good candidate for a mommy makeover procedure(s)?

  • You are well informed and highly motivated to get your pre-baby body back
  • You are in good medical health and nonsmoker
  • You have stable body weight, ideally within 30% of ideal body weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are finished with having children
  • You have good home support to allow an uneventful recovery following surgery

What to expect at your mommy makeover consultation

  • Listening to your concerns, goals and realistic expectations
  • Evaluation of general medical conditions, medications, allergies, previous surgeries, exposure to tobacco, body weight and height
  • Examination of your areas of concern: abdomen, breasts, genitalia or buttocks. Taking measurements, assess the amount of sagging skin, quality and thickness of
  • skin, amount of fat deposits and amount of volume loss particularly the breasts
  • Photographs are taken
  • Discussion of your options and outlining a treatment plan
  • Discuss the details of the mommy makeover procedure, associated risks, recovery period and expected outcomes

What are the risks of a mommy makeover procedure?

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Scars
  • Bleeding
  • Poor healing of the incision
  • Numbness or altered sensation
  • Skin/tissue necrosis
  • Unevenness
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Skin-contour irregularities
  • Hard lumps under the skin
  • Pain
  • Additional risks are site-dependent and may refer to breast augmentation, breast lift, breast augmentation with fat transfers, abdominoplasty, labioplasty, liposuction, buttock lift

What to expect from a mommy makeover procedure

Expect longer recovery by 2-3 weeks additional if combination procedures are performed. Refer to individual cosmetic procedures pages for further information.

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